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by Ryno Mulder


A watch, as a gift, is a much-needed symbol of hope in a world that desperately needs kindness and optimism right now.

As the world as we know it came to an unfathomable, screeching halt in early 2020, our lives, our finances and our mindsets were shaken to the core. The fine art of gifting is now more important than ever. As a gift-giver, admittedly, the price has to be right. Most of us have to pinch our pennies of late. But that should not preclude showing those nearest and dearest to us that they make our lives more meaningful and joyous. Elegant and affordable, a Rvlri watch chimes a sweet note.



Giving someone your time by selecting a great gift is love-in-action. Quite literally gifting a loved one with time in the form of a chic timepiece is a reminder to slow down and take stock. It is like wearing a visual reminder to be punctual and professional, yes, but to allocate our time wisely as well. The recent months have brought it sharply into focus that time is finite. Do I want to spend so much of it mindlessly thumb-scrolling, clicking, furiously stabbing away at my keyboard? Should I take a walk with my partner more often, look into the eyes of my child, have a deep-from-within-my-belly laugh with my bestie or petting a furry friend?





Rather than taking up space and being just another item that requires effort, a watch is a gift seen and used ever so often, if not every day. And it reminds the gifted and the giver of their shared special bond. It says, “I care about you so much, I’d like you to be reminded of our connection every day.”





A well-chose wristwatch speaks of who you are. We value authenticity in others and ourselves. A synonym for your personal style, watches embody your affinities and emotions, adding to your visual identity.






A watch is sophisticated and charming. Offering that quintessential moment of delight and celebration when opening a beautiful box to find a collectors edition inside, a moment to remember is made.








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